Pregnancy is a wonderful and unique experience for many women. However, the journey of pregnancy may cause many women to go through symptoms that may initially invoke concern. It is very normal to experience a few unpleasant things during pregnancy, so it is best to know what to expect to prevent any stress or alarm. Every pregnancy is different, and even women who have been pregnant multiple times may have a different experience with each pregnancy. If something seems off, do not hesitate to contact your doctor.

Nausea may occur between the third and twelfth weeks of gestation. Although it is often referred to as “morning sickness,” nausea can occur at any point of the day. Nausea is not normal if it continues after the twelfth week of pregnancy or if it causes severe dehydration. If your nausea is preventing you from keeping any food down, this is also not normal. Unusual nausea can require immediate medical attention, so keep an eye out if your nausea is too severe to handle.

Light bleeding or spotting is not uncommon during the first trimester, and it usually occurs during the time when the embryo is implanting itself into the lining of the uterus. There may even be some light cramping during this time. Bleeding becomes abnormal if it is heavy or if it is accompanied by clot-like discharge or a light pink mucus-like discharge. Abnormal symptoms may even be associated with heavy, painful cramping, or even contractions that occur at regular intervals. If you experience heavy bleeding and cramping, seek medical help because this could be a sign of a miscarriage. Even though light spotting is normal and should not raise a reason to alarm, it is always best to speak with your doctor any time you experience bleeding during pregnancy.

During a healthy pregnancy, it is normal to possibly see a little bit of discharge that has a thin consistency and is milk-white. This discharge develops in the early stages of pregnancy to protect the birth canal from possible infections. If this discharge changes in consistency, color, or even smell, then it is time to talk to a doctor. Unusual and unpleasant discharge can be a sign of infection, which can cause complications with the pregnancy.

Something that some women are not aware of is the presence of a wet spot on your bed sheets or on your underwear. In all likelihood, this is just a small amount of urine. As the uterus grows, more pressure is placed on the bladder, so many women let out a little bit of urine without even realizing it. However, if the wetness seems excessive, you could be leaking amniotic fluid, which should prompt you to contact your doctor. This leaking could cause an infection or even trigger labor.

Your doctor will likely make you aware of these common symptoms associated with a healthy pregnancy, so rest assured that you may have a few weird or even unpleasant things occur during the pregnancy. However, always speak up if something does not seem right.